Friday, April 20, 2007

Junior High Emotions

What emotion would this be? Belonging? Wanting to belong [the boys], happy, connected, etc?
Lucky me got to chaperone a field trip to the Children's Theater to see The Lost Boys of Sudan.
It was a good trip and a fairly good play but hard to understand the dialog at times.
Was hoping to get some great shots but ended up with only a few.

Tweeked/cropped in pse5.0

1 comment:

Me said...

Great shot. Can you believe these are junior high students? They look like college girls. The boys look their age, but the girls...Sheesh!!!! My daughter is in eighth grade, and the poor thing is TINY...and looks like she's in sixth. I feel sorry for her at times.

I love what you captured here. The boys checking out the girls is too funny. Everyone is in tack sharp focus. Nice.